The Power of To-Do Lists and Backward Planning

The Power of To-Do Lists and Backward Planning

As a kid my mom always had a "black book"-it was a fancy black leather planner. Typically laid open on the kitchen counter we could find our best friends' house phone numbers(yes-we had landlines back in the day) and the number for the local pizza shop. My mom was diligent about using her black book. She would write in her fancy cursive writing, birthdays, appointments, commitments, you name it-it was in the planner. "When is my dentist apt?" check the black book. "What time are we out of school Friday?" check the black book. I always felt so fancy when I got to write something in it too-it was like entry into a secret adult society of sophistication. (Probably where my love of planners first truly began) 

And she was, and is, the to-do list queen. "Make a list!" she would say any time we felt overwhelmed or had something going on that required a lot of our thinking brain to organize. She showed us how to categorize lists. Her lists were typically on a clipboard divided into sections. Sometimes the sections would be labeled by kid, sometimes it be by the days of the week, or simply categories of work, home social. My mom was the true OG intentional planner. 

Using my early training and our expertise as educators, we've put together some tangible steps to crafting to do lists, the why behind doing so, and how to link it all to backward planning. Enjoy:) 

In our hustle and bustle grinding culture, time management isn't just a skill – it's an art that can transform chaos into harmony. Two indispensable tools that stand as pillars of this art are the running to-do list by category and the strategic technique of backward planning. These methods wield incredible power, fostering organization, focus, and the cultivation of executive function skills. Let's delve into why these techniques are the keystones to efficiency and accomplishment.

The Running To-Do List by Category: Choreographing Chaos

At the heart of effective time management lies the running to-do list, meticulously organized by categories. This isn't just any list; it's a dynamic inventory that groups tasks by context, priority, or project. Whether it's work-related assignments, household responsibilities, or personal goals, categorization offers a visual map of your commitments.

Cognitive psychology informs us that categorization enhances memory and comprehension. When you segment your to-dos into categories, you're embracing the brain's natural affinity for organization. This empowers you to navigate your day with purpose, tackling tasks efficiently and preventing the overwhelm of a cluttered mind.

Backward Planning: Crafting the Path to Success

Enter backward planning – a strategic gem that empowers you to chart your journey from goal to reality. With backward planning, you start at the finish line, identifying your end-goal, and work your way backward, breaking down the steps needed to achieve it. This technique aligns with the psychology of goal-setting and motivation.

Research reveals that breaking a goal into smaller, manageable steps enhances your sense of control and progress. By envisioning your desired outcome and reverse-engineering the path to get there, you create a roadmap that propels you forward with purpose and clarity. Modeling this for your children and subvocalizing the steps of breaking something larger into smaller chunks can be the first step for building their backwards planning skills. 

The link between Hand-Written and Digital Mastery

While some of us (Hannah and myself) get giddy over a new planner and highlighters, others can find it hard to understand the true value of a physical planner, when we have digital ones at our fingertips which makes total sense! In a world of every changing and accessible technology, it can help to understand the connection between thought and action that putting pen to paper allows. When you create a physical running to-do list and backward plan in your planner, you engage in a kinesthetic process that stimulates cognitive engagement. The act of writing enhances retention and understanding, solidifying your commitment to your goals.

For maximum efficiency, we can embrace the power of digital calendars and reminders. Sync your plans across devices, set notifications, and seamlessly integrate your time-management strategies into your digital life. This combination affords the best of both worlds – the tactile satisfaction of hand-written planning and the seamless integration of technology.

Empowering Families with Time Mastery

The beauty of these techniques lies not only in personal empowerment but also in their application within family dynamics. As you hone your time-management skills, extend the benefits to your family. Engage in collaborative planning sessions, where each family member contributes to the running to-do list and backward planning process. We love weekly family meetings:) Email us for your free family meeting guide! 

Teaching your children these skills equips them with vital executive function skills – skills that are at the root of success in academics, relationships, and life. By involving your family, you're nurturing a culture of shared responsibility, fostering open communication, and igniting a sense of ownership over time.

Embark on Your Mastery Journey

As you embark on your journey of time mastery, remember that a well-crafted running to-do list and the strategic wisdom of backward planning are your compass and map. These tools enable you to sculpt time according to your aspirations, fostering clarity, purpose, and achievement.

Whether you're penning your plans in your trusty planner or setting digital reminders, you are crafting the potential of your days, empowering your family, and letting the flow of time management support your intentions. 

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